Our Services: Parasite Prevention and Treatment

We provide wide range of parasite control and screening tests to detect and prevent internal and external parasites such as heartworms, flea, tick-borne diseases, and intestinal parasites (roundworms and hookworms), which can harm your beloved furry friends.  

Heartworms are dangerous parasites that live in the heart and surrounding blood vessels and are carried by mosquitoes. They can cause serious illness in your pets but with the proper prevention, this can be avoided. It is recommended to have your pet tested for heartworms and prior to starting prevention during heartworm season (June to October). Our veterinarian can help you fight against these parasites and keep your pets safe.  

Fleas are small parasites that feed on the blood of animals and humans. Fleas are the most common external parasites that affect pets worldwide. Adult fleas, once on their host, will seldom jump off. A flea bite, aside from being irritating and painful, can transmit flea-borne diseases and lead to other serious health risks for you and your pet. We can help you to keep fleas away from your pets and home.  

Ticks are a common parasite that attach themselves to animals and feed on their blood. When they bite, ticks can transmit canine vector-borne disease (CVBD), like Lyme disease and other serious diseases, exposing dogs to additional health risks. Tick-borne diseases are reported increasingly in Southern Ontario in recent years. Ask us about how to prevent ticks from biting and transmitting dangerous diseases to your animals.  

Intestinal Parasites
Roundworms and hookworms are the most common parasites living in the digestive system of dogs and cats. They are transmitted via fecal-oral route. They usually do not cause serious illness but can cause diarrhea and anemia. They may also be transmitted to people, especially to young children and the elderly. Call us to discuss how to detect and prevent these worms.